How many bulbs does it take to start a fundraiser?
How many bulbs does it take to start a fundraiser? Hello – I’m Dave, one of the organisers of Tabletop Scotland, an in-person board game and roleplaying game (RPG) convention held at the Dewars Centre in Perth. The rest of the team are Bulb, Oliver, Simon, Mark and Kirsten. In 2019, the last time we were […]
Come join our epic team!
Come join our epic team! I’m always excited when I talk about Penumbra. Our content is generously peppered with lots of ‘epics’ and ‘awesomes’ across our digital channels, earning my place in the Business Development Dreamteam as Queen of the Emojis (credit to the very fabulous Sheena for this dubious title). Without question, my short […]
Nigel leaves a legacy I hope we can build on
Nigel’s unrelenting commitment to the de-stigmatisation and de-medicalisation of mental health support has impacted the way mental health is discussed and addressed. During his 30 year tenure, Penumbra has grown from a small number of staff running supported accommodation services in Edinburgh to around 500 staff providing services to 23 of Scotland’s Integrated Joint Boards […]
Volunteers keep on inspiring
Our ‘Inspiring Edinburgh Award’ is now hanging in the hallway of the Edinburgh Crisis Centre along with our two previous awards. Nicky our garden volunteer collected it from City Chambers on Wednesday night. I want to say a massive thank you to all our volunteers who have all brought so much to our centre. Obviously […]
These boots are made for talking
lthough we initially organised the walk as a fundraiser, we’ve realised it’s actually become a really important thing to do in terms of opening up conversations with people around mental health. The last 18 months have been tough for everyone so coming together as a team to connect and raise awareness of issues around mental […]
Ross’s story
How hillwalking has helped Ross on his recovery journey In August 2017 I had reached the lowest point of my life, I was going through a period of severe depression. I couldn’t sleep properly, I didn’t want to eat, I had lost interest in everything I would normally enjoy, I couldn’t concentrate properly and I […]
Team wellbeing during a pandemic
Team wellbeing during a pandemic When I think back to March last year, I remember being filled with a sense of dread about what the pandemic could mean for communities. A perfect storm had been created overnight with the very real potential to impact disproportionately on anyone already living with some kind of adversity. The […]
Blair’s story
Blair’s story So, I’ve decided to speak up and challenge the stigma surrounding mental health to make change not only for myself but hopefully for others. I’ve spent a number of years running and hiding but now feel somewhat liberated by reaching out for help. This year I finally hit rock bottom in many different […]
Help us stay hopeful for people in crisis this winter
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Christmas should be a magical time for everyone. But we know for many people that isn’t the reality. This winter, we would love it if you could support our #StayHopeful campaign for those in crisis. As the world continues its fight against coronavirus, […]
We could not be prouder of our teams
Our stakeholder survey is in and the feedback has been exceptional As the year draws to a close, we are thrilled to be able to share really fabulous feedback. Every year we ask the partners we work with across Scotland to tell us about their experience of engaging with Penumbra teams in our services. These […]