Sharon Webster
Mental Health and Wellbeing Worker
lthough we initially organised the walk as a fundraiser, we’ve realised it’s actually become a really important thing to do in terms of opening up conversations with people around mental health. The last 18 months have been tough for everyone so coming together as a team to connect and raise awareness of issues around mental health and our services here in Fife seemed a perfect opportunity. The day for me was a real positive team building experience. After 18 months of working from home and not being to share our experiences as often, the team where motivated and inspired. We talked about it for days after and we are already planning out next fundraiser!
I felt it was a really positive day everybody was in high spirits. It was great for our team morale. The donations we received were much appreciated and I do feel we helped raise awareness of mental health and Penumbra as a charity. All and all, a fab great experience for all that was involved.

Mike Burns
Chief Executive
It was fantastic to join Sharon and the team in the kingdom for this walking challenge and what better location than one of Scotland’s most iconic structures. As Sharon says, one of the great things about the fundraiser was the chance to raise awareness around the importance of looking after our mental health and talking openly about our wellbeing.
We all have mental health just as we have physical health and by having open conversations we can create a supportive environment where people can get access to the right support at the right time. What was especially great was the weather had brought out a lot of walkers on the day and we managed to talk to so many people about who we are and our work. In fact, Katie and Deborah who we met as we were finishing even donated to our fundraiser there and then.