Claire’s Story

Claire’s story My name is Claire, I’m 15 years old and I like to do sports like Taekwondo and dancing. I like to stay busy. I self-harmed for about 18 months, then my mum found out. I struggled with the thought of accessing support, but my mum was really supportive and explained to me that […]

Michael’s Story

Michael’s story For me it had got to the point where my depression and mental health had completely overtaken my life. I lost all of my interests and personality, and I didn’t see any way of carrying on. I was resorting to old habits that I’d used in the past, one of which was self-harm. […]

Tommy’s story

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Tommy’s story I’m 50 years old, ex-military, with a lot of mental health problems, including PTSD. After going into hospital, I was referred to Penumbra’s Self-Harm Network Scotland service to get support with my self-harm. Things had just gotten on top of me, and I couldn’t see a way out… The support I got from […]

A mother’s story

A mother’s story I had a history with anxiety, depression, and a little bit of self-harm when I was younger, but at the time I didn’t receive any help because I hid it. After having my daughter last year, it all came back as I was struggling to deal with my feelings and emotions. I […]

Jo’s story

Jo’s story When I was 7 years old I was diagnosed with attachment disorder which I received counselling for. However, when I was 16 my relationship at the time broke down, which led me to attempt suicide. It was after this that I started to self-harm due to the immediate relief it gave me from […]

Amy’s story

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Amy’s story Hello, my name’s Amy. When I left school, I approached the NHS for help with my self-harm. I didn’t meet the criteria for support, though, and was instead pointed in the direction of various charities – it felt like I had been slingshotted! Penumbra Mental Health was the first charity I approached. They […]

Courtney’s story

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Courtney’s story My name is Courtney. I am a student and work part-time. My hobbies are reading, singing and playing the Mandolin. I also enjoy learning languages. I love playing video games, spending time with my partner and walking my dog. I referred myself to Penumbra’s Dundee self-harm service as I had self-harmed on and […]

Emily’s story

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Emily’s story Before I reached out to Penumbra, I was quite nervous and anxious. I didn’t know what to expect as I have never been part of a self-harm service, so I thought that I would be told that I have to stop self-harming, that I’d have to throw away my materials etc. and I […]

Bev’s story


Bev’s story After supporting my last client of the day which ran over, I hung up. My day did not finish there as I reflected back over the conversation, which then took me through the journey I have shared with my client so far. Her journey highlighted why I choose this job and why it […]

Delight as Milestone picks up prestigious award

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Delight for Penumbra as Milestone picks up prestigious award Penumbra Milestone in Edinburgh has been awarded a prestigious health award during the Mental Health and Wellbeing Awards. Milestone won the award for most innovative mental health service with judges describing the team as “going the extra mile with excellent outcomes”. Penumbra Milestone is an alcohol-free 10-bed […]

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