Team wellbeing during a pandemic
Team wellbeing during a pandemic When I think back to March last year, I remember being filled with a sense of dread about what the pandemic could mean for communities. A perfect storm had been created overnight with the very real potential to impact disproportionately on anyone already living with some kind of adversity. The […]
Blair’s story
Blair’s story So, I’ve decided to speak up and challenge the stigma surrounding mental health to make change not only for myself but hopefully for others. I’ve spent a number of years running and hiding but now feel somewhat liberated by reaching out for help. This year I finally hit rock bottom in many different […]
Help us stay hopeful for people in crisis this winter
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Christmas should be a magical time for everyone. But we know for many people that isn’t the reality. This winter, we would love it if you could support our #StayHopeful campaign for those in crisis. As the world continues its fight against coronavirus, […]
We could not be prouder of our teams
Our stakeholder survey is in and the feedback has been exceptional As the year draws to a close, we are thrilled to be able to share really fabulous feedback. Every year we ask the partners we work with across Scotland to tell us about their experience of engaging with Penumbra teams in our services. These […]
#penumbra Debs on being part of something special
#Penumbra Debs on the impact of our life saving work and being a part of something special So when I was asked to do this I thought ‘wow, how difficult to talk about me and what I do!’ then I thought stop being ridiculous Debbie how hard can it be to write about something you […]
Neil’s story
There comes a point when you reach a turning point There comes a point in your life when you reach a turning point, where you have to either give in to addiction or survive. At first I drank to fit in, for courage, to be social. But rapidly that changed. It was slow at first, […]
L’s story
Learning to like yourself takes time I wanted to send you a little update to let you know how I’ve been doing lately. The last few weeks have had their fair share of challenges, but I have to say I’ve aced every single one of them with flying colours so far. This has actually included […]
M’s story
I try to manage my voices the best way I can My support worker has supported me to share my recovery journey and how far I have come, to try and give hope to other people whose mental health may not be so good. When I became very ill with my mental health, I lived […]
Dave’s epic fundraiser for Penumbra Mental Health
Dave’s epic fundraiser for Penumbra Mental Health It’s hard to pin down exactly why I chose to fundraise for Penumbra. Knowing the importance of good mental health, having lived through extremely tough experiences of a number of close family members, and being aware of the male suicide rate in Scotland and particularly the North East […]
Nicole’s story
Hiya! I’m glad you are taking an interest in mental health recovery. I was diagnosed bi-polar type 1 in 2001, during another hospital admission. Life has been very hard on occasions and caused me to attempt suicide a couple of times in the past. Nowadays, I’m glad I wasn’t successful in my attempts, and I’ve […]