Neil’s story

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There comes a point when you reach a turning point There comes a point in your life when you reach a turning point, where you have to either give in to addiction or survive. At first I drank to fit in, for courage, to be social. But rapidly that changed. It was slow at first, […]

L’s story

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Learning to like yourself takes time I wanted to send you a little update to let you know how I’ve been doing lately. The last few weeks have had their fair share of challenges, but I have to say I’ve aced every single one of them with flying colours so far. This has actually included […]

M’s story

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I try to manage my voices the best way I can My support worker has supported me to share my recovery journey and how far I have come, to try and give hope to other people whose mental health may not be so good. When I became very ill with my mental health, I lived […]

Dave’s epic fundraiser for Penumbra Mental Health

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Dave’s epic fundraiser for Penumbra Mental Health It’s hard to pin down exactly why I chose to fundraise for Penumbra. Knowing the importance of good mental health, having lived through extremely tough experiences of a number of close family members, and being aware of the male suicide rate in Scotland and particularly the North East […]

Nicole’s story

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Hiya!  I’m glad you are taking an interest in mental health recovery.  I was diagnosed bi-polar type 1 in 2001, during another hospital admission.  Life has been very hard on occasions and caused me to attempt suicide a couple of times in the past.  Nowadays, I’m glad I wasn’t successful in my attempts, and I’ve […]

Making a difference as a trustee

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Making a difference as a trustee with Penumbra Mental Health Scotland’s third sector is a powerful movement for change and is it any wonder, driven by people with a fierce passion for social justice. From lifeline services to policy advocacy, our third sector is #NeverMoreNeeded. There’s no doubt the sector is characterised by creativity and […]

Climate anxiety and young people

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Climate anxiety and young people Never has there been a generation of young people who have had to contend with messages that the very survivability of humans as a species could be at risk. COP26 of course starts on Sunday and with it the opportunity to step back from the brink of the climate disaster.  […]

Broken, a poem by Grant Pearson

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Broken, a poem by Grant Pearson When I am broken and in needI feel the ground is swallowing meMy hands are hanging so sorrowfullyPenumbra come shine a light on me In the morning scared and blueWhen I’m hungry thirsty tooSend a raindrop down the seaPenumbra come shine a light on me Shine your lightShine a […]

Kim’s story

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Kim’s story I started off on the streets where I was begging for money and food after being thrown out of my house I had at the time. I was sentenced to prison, and then I ended up in hospital. I spent 6 weeks in hospital before I was housed in Penumbra supported accommodation. I […]

Peter’s story

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Peter’s story I always like a laugh. I’m a happy go lucky guy. When I had my knee replacement operation just before lockdown, I remember joking with the nurse who was taking my stitches out. I don’t even mind having the scar from it because having the operation has meant I’m able to go out […]

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