Kim's story

I started off on the streets where I was begging for money and food after being thrown out of my house I had at the time.

I was sentenced to prison, and then I ended up in hospital. I spent 6 weeks in hospital before I was housed in Penumbra supported accommodation.

I felt really confused when I first arrived at the accommodation, I felt unsure and fearful – it took me some time to adjust living there, rules, regular, things like that. I felt safe at Park Cottage and eventually it started to feel like home. The thought of ever leaving Park Cottage made me feel fearful and unsure and a wee bit unsafe. I didn’t know what the future would be like for me.

I enjoyed living at Park Cottage, it was good. I had enough privacy and also enough interaction when I needed it from staff and the other residents. I joined a walking group, cooking group and an IT computing group while I resided in Park Cottage – I always felt I had enough to do.

I built up good relationships with the staff team while I was there and had some good times. I always had support at hand and someone to talk to if I needed it. Sometimes I would struggle but I always knew there was someone to talk to, I feel like the staff really understood. I used to get involved in cooking, I really enjoyed this and it was nice to do things like that again, just normal day to day things.

 I felt confident and ready to move on. I realised then that I had really came a long way in my recovery.

It was lovely in the summer time when we could all sit out in the garden together and talk and tell stories. I feel like Park Cottage really helped me to get back on my feet again and in some kind of routine. I always felt safe, and my village is a lovely wee place with nice locals. My life had been chaotic before when I was in and out of prison and homeless. It was nice to feel settled and safe in the supported accommodation and to start focusing on my recovery from the things I had previously been through. By the time my new tenancy offer for a house came up, I felt confident and ready to move on. I realised then that I had really came a long way in my recovery.

When I was offered my wee house I felt really nervous about it. It is quite far away from the supported accommodation and I don’t know anyone in that area. I felt happy and excited too, I was really looking forward to having my own space, peace and quiet again. I feel safe in my new home, I’ve got it looking lovely and it’s cosy and warm. All I need to do now is get some pictures on the wall and then it will be complete.

The change in my life is humongous, it’s like night and day. Where I am today from living in the streets. It’s been a journey.

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