If you self-harm and are seeking support, we’re here to help.

You can chat to one of our team from 6pm – 10pm, 7 days a week or leave a message with us and we will get back to you as soon as we can with options for support.

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Loved ones self-harm support groups

We are running small groups for loved ones of people who self-harm to provide information and a safe space to get support for your experiences. 

Self-Harm Network Scotland is passionate about raising awareness and reducing stigma around self-harm. We know that it can be difficult when someone you care about is self-harming. From experience, we also know it is possible for them to recover and find alternative ways to cope with their distress. We want to make sure that loved ones of people who self-harm get the right information and support on their journey. You might feel like you don’t know how to go about supporting your loved one, or even how to start the conversation.

These groups will run in blocks of four, and the outline of each session is listed below:

Session 1: Information on what self-harm is, why people harm, and how to start the conversation about harm. 

Session 2: How to support someone who is self-harming, harm minimisation, and strategies for support. 

Session 3: Resources for support, looking after yourself, and how to manage feelings around self-harm.

Session 4: The group will be invited to attend a follow-up session to discuss their learning and experience of the group four weeks after the first session.

We will be running blocks of small group support for loved ones throughout the year. Please be aware that these sessions are part of a 4-week block of group support and are not drop-in sessions. If you are interested in coming along, we would ask that you are able to commit to attending all 4 sessions in a block. This will be beneficial for your learning, as well as for the dynamics of the groups.

Are you interested in attending a group? Or want to find out more information? Please email us by hitting the button below. 

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