Picture of Fiona Brown

Fiona Brown

Communications Officer

Penumbra gets bags of help from Tesco

Staff at Penumbra are celebrating with news of their success in this year’s Tesco Bags of Help grant competition. Tesco customers across three regions gave Penumbra their blue tokens winning the charity a total of £50,000.

The Centenary grant will help mental health charity Penumbra develop a new project looking at the mental health and wellbeing of young people.

Nigel Henderson, Chief Executive of Penumbra, said: “we’re delighted to have been a part of the Tesco Bags of Help alongside a fantastic group of organisations. The public have really got behind our project which is designed to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people.

“We know that 50% of mental health problems begin by the age of 14, so early support is key. Our project is really exciting because we’ll be working with young people to develop early support measures for this age group and the Bags of Help grant will contribute to that important work.

Our project is really exciting because we’ll be working with young people to develop early support measures for this age group and the Bags of Help grant will contribute to that important work.

Keith Jackson, Tesco Bags of Help Manager said, “congratulations to the recipients of our Bags of Help Centenary Grants. They’re all worthy winners and we hope this funding helps them continue their important work in our communities.

“The Centenary Grants are a huge part of our celebration of a century of delivering great value for our customers. And Bags of Help applications have opened again for 2020, as we aim to support more groups and organisations helping to make a difference across Britain this year.”

Bags of Help applications have opened for 2020 and customers are invited to vote for the project they wish to receive the top prize using blue tokens handed out at checkouts. Three groups will be awarded grant amounts of £2,000, £1,000 or £500 every three months.

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