There are always brighter days ahead

Hello, my name is Jeanette. I am 24 years old and a 3rd year Public Sociology student.  I currently do a lot of volunteering with various organisations such as Who Cares? Scotland, Children in Scotland – advisory group Changing Our World.  I first came across Penumbra Mental Health when I was 20 years old and had just moved into my own flat and was struggling with the transition, from living in supported accommodation to moving into my own tenancy.  I was matched with a support worker from Penumbra were they supported me getting into good routines, helped me make sure that all my bills were set up properly, manage my anxiety, and helped me to feel less stressed about living on my own.

The support from Penumbra has also helped me to help my friends with their transition to living independently.  It has also helped me to find a routine that works for me and has helped me to boost my confidence when it comes to managing my finances and has helped with structure.

Never be ashamed to reach out to a family member or a friend if you are struggling with your mental health and there are always brighter days just around the corner

If I had the chance to talk to my younger self, I would say accept all the help and support you can get, never give up on hope, times may be tough just now, you will get through this!

I look after my wellbeing by doing daily positive messages on my twitter to start each day, I started doing this during lockdown to lift people’s spirits. I also love spending time outside whether that’s going for walks in nature or going for a cycle on my bike.  I also like crocheting which helps me to de-stress.

My hopes for the future is to hopefully graduate with my Honours in public sociology and gain employment in policy.

I would say to people who are struggling with their mental health, never be ashamed to reach out to a family member or a friend if you are struggling with your mental health and there are always brighter days just around the corner.

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Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Jeanette. Please keep up the good work with your volunteering and good luck with your studies. 

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