Craig's story

My name is Craig and I’ve suffered from Mental Health difficulties for 20 years. I  had a limb removed and extensive surgery some years ago and struggled to adapt to this life changing experience. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to live independently but with Penumbra’s help I’ve rebuilt my skills and feel very comfortable in my own home.

My peer worker really really helped me to not feel so alone and isolated due to my mental illness as she’s suffered too and has recovered. This also helped me not to feel ashamed to ask for help

Workers have now helped me build my confidence at going out in the community. I started with going with workers to the library and shops, then I planned outings with my peer worker and we visited the Botanic Gardens, Kelvingrove Art Galleries and the Transport Museum. I then met with her in Glasgow city centre on several occasions and visited the Christmas markets and did lots of Christmas shopping for my family. We also sometimes had coffee and cake. I didn’t realise how much fun you could have during support. I am now working towards joining some groups to meet other people and make some friends.

My peer worker really really helped me to not feel so alone and isolated.

I suggested to my Peer worker that we took a photo of us trying on Christmas hats at the Christmas market to get us into the spirit of festivities so that’s exactly what she did. My Peer Worker says this picture shows how confident I’ve become from our outings.

I would recommend Penumbra to everyone they’ve certainly helped me to change my life.

Thank you for sharing your story, Craig.

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