Claire's story

My name is Claire, I’m 15 years old and I like to do sports like Taekwondo and dancing. I like to stay busy. I self-harmed for about 18 months, then my mum found out.

I struggled with the thought of accessing support, but my mum was really supportive and explained to me that she thought it might help and she encouraged me to go along.

I started support in my secondary school with my Practitioner Susan. Susan explained what Self-Harm Network Scotland is and how they might be able to help me, and I decided I wanted to continue with support because I didn’t want to feel constantly upset with myself. My Mum and Dad both encouraged and supported me. 

"The support has made me feel relieved that I had someone who I could talk to that understands me."

Now, I understand so much more about self-harm and ways to distract myself. Susan also helped me to understand why I was self-harming and showed me alternative coping strategies. My favourite is reading the affirmations I made. The support has made me feel relieved that I had someone who I could talk to that understands me.

I have reduced my self-harm more than I ever thought possible. I don’t even remember the last time I self-harmed. I feel like I am more confident and less embarrassed when talking to others, so it has really improved my confidence.

Life is a lot easier now because I am happy and my parents are happy that I am happy. I feel a lot better and have hope for the future.

I hope people realise that even when you have been unhappy for a long time, and you think you won’t ever get better, you really can! My advice would be to get in touch with Self-Harm Network Scotland to speak to someone, because they really do help.

Thank you for sharing your story, Claire.

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