Picture of Fiona Brown

Fiona Brown

Communications Officer

Author donates sales of books to Penumbra

We were thrilled when author and friend of Penumbra, Alan Ormiston, contacted us to say that he’s written a book of poetry with proceeds from its sale going to help our work in supporting 1800 adults and young people each week. Read more about Alan’s motivation for his book.

Alan explains, “the poems are about mental health, reflecting conversations, thoughts and perspectives. They were written in the car and cafes, as a loved one got help to work through their struggle with mental illness.  I was waiting while they were at appointments and getting the support they crucially needed. This included support from Penumbra.

“I hope by sharing these poems it helps someone else who is going through a difficult time and also those who love and care for them.

I hope by sharing these poems it helps someone else who is going through a difficult time and also those who love and care for them.

“I see it is as being on hand as a resource. It is out in hard copy just now, with e-book to follow soon. It may strike more of a chord with young adults, but I tried to write it in a way it could cut across all ages.

“Anything I make from the sales of this book will be shared between Penumbra and Thistle Foundation, who were there to provide support when it was most needed.”

If you’d like to buy Alan’s book you can find it here: https://www.ahstockwell.co.uk/shop/poetry/awake/

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