Angel's story

I’ve struggled and battled with anxiety for a long time. I remember I was about 10 years old and wondering if it was normal to worry so much about things. I tried my best to manage. That’s what we all say right? It’s hard to pinpoint the time where I felt like I wasn’t coping because it was more than once.

I was sixteen when I stopped being able to concentrate at school. I was plagued with intrusive thoughts and would spend hours analysing them to see if there was any “proof” that they were true. My family were also going through a difficult period at the time and the fact that I couldn’t go home and make it better for them really sent me over the edge.

I had been receiving help from CAMHS before I was referred to Penumbra in 2018. I have had several different support workers that have helped me and my recovery.

Having that 1:1 support and a space to talk about how I was feeling was invaluable to me. After a bad week they would help me put things into perspective so I felt like I could cope.

The people that have helped me, made me feel human again and I will always be grateful for that.

One of my biggest obstacles at the time was my bedroom. I had just moved and I had boxes full of clothes and junk. We worked for weeks sorting through everything but I finally had a safe space just for me.

I’ve learned from my experience and Penumbra is that when you are feeling so low you lose yourself. The people that have helped me, made me feel human again and I will always be grateful for that.

I’m starting college in September and I am so excited. I haven’t been excited about anything in a long time. I think my future is looking brighter. Thank you so much for everything.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Angel.

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